
Wir lassen unsere Mütter hochleben!

Der Muttertag ist ein besonderer Tag im Jahr! Hier können wir den wichtigsten Frauen in unserem Leben eine ganz besondere Wertschätzung zeigen können. Es ist ein Tag, an dem wir uns für die unermüdliche Arbeit, die die Mütter jeden Tag…

Wheel of Hope 🌱🎡

Das Werksviertel-Mitte lädt ein zum Day of Hope: Wir freuen uns, Jane Godall in München begrüßen zu dürfen. Feiern Sie mit uns am Donnerstag, 4. Mai 2023, ein Tag voller Hoffnung und Inspiration für ein besseres Leben. Lernen…

Summer, culture and umadum – our specials for the cultural summer in Munich

The Knödelplatz, the heart of the Werksviertel-Mittel, is transformed into the place-to-be at the cultural summer in Munich. In addition to concerts, musicals, plays and stand-up comedy, the Umadum team has prepared two great specials for you. Free…
Umadum Kabine

Feel safe with us – The Umadum – hygiene concept

Hygiene and cleanliness are very important to us, not only in times of Covid-19, but especially now it is important to us that our guests feel especially safe and comfortable. Therefore we would like to inform you about our specially developed…

Light up the night for me! We raise awareness for ME/CFS

ME/CFS is a common disease that can lead to a high degree of physical disability. What sounds bad is often trivialized in our society. Since it cannot be detected with a standard doctor's examination, it is often mistakenly seen as "sagging"…

Did you know that? Umadum is operated with electricity produced by the company itself

Today, sustainable and innovative energy supply is an important part when it comes to supplying power to big areas. It is precisely this innovative, efficient power and energy supply for the Werksviertel-Mitte that werkkraft GmbH, a subsidiary…

Finally – Our Online-Shop is ready!

We have been working hard to develop the perfect Umadum online store. But now it’s finally ready! Now you are able to book and buy tickets, vouchers, our season ticket or the special rides easily and comfortably online at any time and from…

Advent, Advent, Umadum gives away!

With the Umadum advent calendar you can really get something great Every year the most beautiful time of the year comes again - the Christmas season! A ride on Umadum is unfortunately at present not possible, but a little fun goes nevertheless: With…

It´s getting orange – Umadum sets an example against violence against women

Violence against women is more topical than ever. Especially in the Corona period, the numbers are rising steadily again. The organization Zonta would like to draw attention to the topic of violence against women all over the world with the…

Musical delight with the Bayern 3 Live Club Concert and Rea Garvey

A concert in an observation wheel? Everything is possible! That's why we have joined forces with Bayern 3 to put on this unique event. On October 30th Rea will play in front of the Umadum giant wheel and the concert will be broadcast live to…

Now available – The season ticket of the Umadum observation Wheel

Enjoy a unique view over Munich for a year - as often as you can! Get your season ticket and take a ride at Umadum for a whole year (from the date of issue). No matter how many turns you want to ride, you only pay 59 Euro once.     You…

„Trachtival“ at Werksviertel-Mitte

With the "Wild Mouse" and "HangOver" the "Trachtival" started on September 11th - an event highlight that promises fun and entertainment. At the Trachtival you will get some Wies'n feeling with shooting galleries, rides and traditional souvenir…